Tuesday, March 15, 2005

no memory

Crap. The boss comes in and says that she wants to me to start working on something that I cannot for the life of me remember what it is.

We apparently discussed this work at our last meeting. And I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about. I’m not good in meetings, my concentration levels are equivalent to that of a stapler. I cannot force myself to listen.

Oh shit.


Peas on Toast said...

Unwittingly, I was meant to make my own notes, of what I was meant to do. Instead, I just drew flowers/skulls/yawning people all over my jotpad instead of valuable notes.

But like the distant mists of time, the workload is starting to ctach up with me and bite me in the ass.

zuzula said...

Can you steal someone else's notes? (it's like being back at college!)

Peas on Toast said...

Z - I wish that was the case. First probelm - my colleagues are as bad as I am, they don't give enough of a f&ck to write anything down, and because I'm the only copywriter in the company, I have specific duties that no-one else, unfortunately, wrote down. But as I said, it's all starting to dawn on me.

zuzula said...

I blame blogging. It takes over your life without you realising it! that's why I had to have a bit of down-time the other week...