Thursday, January 12, 2006


I don't really need to elaborate here.

His flat is one suburb away from my office.


Christopher D. Bate said...

Holy Mother of pearl! That can only lead to something that doesn't happen to me very often!

Peas on Toast said...

Now if only he was at home..;)

Third World Ant said...

Haha! Christopher's a hoot! Come to the southern hemisphere and we'll sort you out :)

Peas, be gentle with Small Bum. Don't scare the living shit out of him with your sexual depravities...

Peas on Toast said...

Chris is a card. :)

Shit, do you think he thinks I'm a nympho? I can think of worse things, but still, I don't want him to think that I'm so desperate for a shag (six months and counting......) that I turn him off completely.
I really really want him to think I am wanting sex... in a healthy sort of way and not because I am literally about to explode.

Billy said...

Any odds on there being a "relieved" post here on Monday?

Peas on Toast said...

Funny you should say that Bill....