Wednesday, January 11, 2006

what, do I have a bullseye on my head?

The editor from Hell has assigned me another story to do, when deadline is on Monday. I already have the 'already proposed' contents to do before then.
The rule is that all magazine contents are decided beforehand and written onto a sheet. But no. Not this week. Because apparently we had a discussion about this non-written-down story last year.
I know I smoked alot of pot on my holiday, but this conversation is completely new to me.

We never had it. And if we did, why isn't it written down on the sheet??
She's trying to pyschologically fuck me up. But I stand strong! We never had a converstaion that went along the lines of me saying, "Well fuck it, just add on a whole lot of other work for me to do whenever you fancy, and don't bother to put it on the list."

And! She bought herself a new watch today and! showed me.

So while work is hell, my love life is good, for once. I'm introducing Small Bum to my two best guy friends tonight. This could be worse than introducing him to my eccentric parents. They are like my brothers and will probably ask, "So, Small Bum, what are your intentions with our Peas?" I've even told him to start shitting himself in preparation.

I think a bottle of wine may be in order tonight.


Peas on Toast said...

I'm telling you Blondie - the weekend cannot come fast enough. I have to sit on my hands to stop myself from throttling her.

Third World Ant said...

What did the lad(s) think of Small Bum? Is he good enough for their princess Peas?

As for psycho editor, whatever. She's on a pathetic power trip wherever she can find it - sorry you're the object of her ego. Your time will come, and the shit won't stop flying her way!

zuzula said...

editors are all evil! Mine screwed up a proof and threw it at me the other week because he didn't like my idea for how a feature might look. Like I'm supposed to be the art guy as well.....

Peas on Toast said...

Third World Ant - Well Moogs said he liked Small Bum "seemed clued up about his industry, sense of humour, nice catch" but then he also, in typical Moogs fashion asked how the sex was. And we all know I'm trying to desperately hold out until after the weekend. But failing dismally. So he reckons I must do it soon before he loses interest. I suppose he's the sex guru now - or maybe not ;)

Z - Typical! I'm so glad I'm not the only one around with a Pyscho Editor. I hope you told yours to get stuffed! :)

Third World Ant said...

Um, no... he knows not what he speaks of. Did you reciprocate and ask him how his love life's going? He avoided giving me an answer that actually answered the question...

Peas on Toast said...

Nope I didn't Ant. Mainly because I don't want to imagine it (eeew) and also because if he was getting some and I wasn't, he'd just rub it in my face.

She seems very...untigerlike in the bedroom. But perhaps I've got it all wrong. They didn't seem to touch each other a hell of a lot last night, and I always thought he was more tactile than that. Then there's Small Bum and I excusing ourselves one after another to meet in the guest bathroom. Much like when I snogged my ex in your pantry ;)

zuzula said...

oh I threw a class A diva strop which resulted in him both apologising and giving me a hug (there was really no need for that).

And thanks for your comment yesterday - I can't tell you how much better that made me feel!

Peas on Toast said...

Well done Z! I'm going to have to start getting stroppier. It really seems to work. New Years resolution.

As for your shitty day yesterday - it happens to the best of us love. It's not fun the following day, but you've always got a great story for the grandkids one of these days! ;)