Tuesday, November 30, 2010

it's snowing!

Cor blimey, it's snowing!

Opened the front door, and was immediately accosted by the most awesome flaky flakes. Dressed like an elf, through lack of judgment - again - in purple tights and tweed shorts - but had my brolly. Walked to the station with a huge smile on my face.

There's something truly magical and novel about snow. It's so peaceful. Sure, London comes to a grinding halt because tracks freeze and nothing operates properly in the snow. But who cares; it's wonderful.

The Brits are grumbling. They've taken down empires for centuries, but the deceptively anarchic concept of snow brings the nation to a standstill.

My Welsh colleague said, "You won't ba laffing when ya dorn't git horme layterr."

I'm of another opinion. Snow is just too lovely and peaceful. When I'm in or around snow, monumental chaos, colossal alien invasion, Obama could turn white, Elton could turn straight, and I wouldn't really give a damn.

Snow is just too pretty to make me care.


Cassey said...

Awesome snow :) I so wish we were going to a snowy place soon. Have fun :)

Nicole B said...

My sister sent me pics of the snow too, she is in Orpington in Kent (I dont know if I should be saying that aloud, in case its like saying you live in Brakpan). Anyhow, I asked her to cling wrap some in a well prepared bucket and send it to me.
I think I have to make a snow mission this winter, its high time I saw snow.

Peas on Toast said...

cassey - It's definitely got an amazing novelty in that you want to be a kid again and go and play in it!

Secret - haaaaa! Have no idea whether Orpington is chavvy or not, either way you should come and visit her!