Tuesday, August 30, 2011


That was a bit of a blah bank holiday yesterday.

The weather is changing, and it just wasn't the nicest of long weekends. I should've gone somewhere. Perhaps I just have itchy feet and should've visited a new place.

Hate a wasted bank holiday. At the very least, a happy bank holiday.

And! I was meant to see The Dove this week. And because she's in New York, and the country literally called a State of Emergency on this Hurricane Irene business that turned out to be more of a Meh Storm than a freaking hurricane, her flights have been backlogged.

Which means I won't be hanging out with her this week at all. She has to fly straight back to South Africa now, due to delays.
I was imaging bottles of red wine and Dove-Peas talk. Talk I can't have with anyone else.

What a load of old balls.

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