So I've started a fabulous new full-time job.
Writing and editing-wise, it's very, very me.
I'm now the spanking new editor of a website.
The plus side to the new job is, well, I am working in town. I've always wanted to work in the middle of Joburg CBD, and now I'm in the heart of the financial district.
There are coffee shops everywhere, newly cobbled streets, art all over the show – it's jacked, and it's super inspirational for the line of work I'll be writing in. (A lot to do with Johannesburg itself.)
There was a strike yesterday. Only in town. It was quite spectacular. Cosatu workers screaming and ululating down Market Street, which I could watch from the safety of my office veendow.
One dude got pulled from his taxi, other strikers just somma parked off in the middle of the intersection.
This is why I love working in town. Shit happens here.
Also, if I need to pop out for anything, it's there, it's easy. There are cafe's on every corner - I can grab a latte and feel very New York about it all. I'm not wobbling around in heels like Carrie Bradshaw though. Flats boet. In town, it's flats.
I can buy Fatima's samoosas everyday - a block away. (Who ate all the
Just getting in and out during rush hour traffic takes the skills of a Formula One driver. Taxis surround you, cutting in and stopping, people walk across the streets willy-nilly and I'm always on guard for a smash and grab.
But you can't deny that there is a serious atmosphere, here in the thick of things. Noisy as fuck, but a new world. Rivonia has nothing on this shit.
Traveling the highway is the easiest part of my day though. Getting out of town at rush hour is a very stressful experience.
Workwise, the position takes a bit of manageability. Organising other writers and photographers to cover certain stories, editing their stuff and writing my own stuff too. It's fun, and it's hard work. Alongside Wibble and all the other crap I have to churn out.
My weekends shall be precious.
Congratulations on the new job. I totally love the city centre. Especially what they have done with Mains street
You took a camera into the JHB CBD?!
And you weren't mugged?!
analyse - I'm not gonna lie though - took me two hours to get into work this morning and now am sitting with clumps of hair everywhere...fuck man. Jesus. But yeah, once I calm down and have some coffee, I'll appreacite this place again. I'm on Simmonds/Market street.
Leigh-Anne - A common misconception with Joburg CBD is that it's dangerous and hectic. It is, but only in certain parts. I often travel through Hillbrow on foot with a camera to take photos, and touch wood, have never had a problem. I walk around town all the time, it's really become an amazing place as they've done so much to it after the past few years. It's clean, efficient, jacked - honestly.
Gawd. Peas in the ghetto.
Sounds like huge fun!
SheBee -ha ha :) I must say, I've seen worse ghettoes in my life though.
So exactly how much spanking do you get to do?
Kyk - Not enough. Tomorrow I bring out my whip and show everyone whose boss. :)
I am at Pritchard and Simmonds and love walking through the mini markets and checking out the cheap clothes, dvds (Nigeria Film industry is Big there), fruit and vegs
I have a fried who believes in waiting 6 months before firing anyone. He observes, then chirps then goes for the jugular heheh
Don't make too many enimies to start with - remember you are the new guy first see how and if it works then make changes
Saying all that tho - well done on the new job - sounds fabulous and I hope you have lots of fun
Don't you love how great it is to watch things like strikes etc from the safety of your window where you go you have armed guards protecting you from what is happening below? ;)
Sounds like fun Peas, glad you got a new lovely job. Bet your view isn't as nice as mine though! I'm on the 10th floor over looking the river Thames and the Houses of Parliment ;)
analyse - well I'll be sure to catch you on Simmonds sometime! :)
Nessers - Dude, wtf? Who says anything about making enemies? And talking about being fired? Christ woman, you're a real piece of work - please oh please be my friend, you're not vindictive at all.
Miss M- you win hands down! My view is mainly an intersection...but if I go downstairs, there's more to see :)
Well done on getting the job Peas, thats really cool.
At least one of us will have a job next month... I am still aiming at self-unemployment which will be interesting to say the least.
Heading of to Longdong to see how bad the traffic is there. At least its only for 2 weeks.
man, I are so jealous! how did you being finding such a cool job? I want to start looking for a nice writery/ editory job. suggestions where I should look? newspaper are poopy use.
Nice one, bruv. :)
tBerry - oh good my dear! I thought of you (virtually of course!) the other day and wondered how it was going - good luck in LongDong :), and keep me updated as to what happens. x
Bete - If hard news isn't your beat, there are more magazine publishers down in CT than in JHB - you never know china, maybe some of them are looking for some freelance writers?
But yip, I feel pretty happy right now. :)
crayola dude - thanks bruv :)
Let me know if you decide to leave the job and move on ever... I'd take if only for the location!!
I LOVE town & would pay a small traffic jam's worth of stress to work in that vibe.
Yeah location, location, location. :)
I suppose this job wouldn't work out, or be as inspiring if it were in...Morningside say. It's part of the work around here. But it's pretty awesome.
well done there lass!! :)
I love the cape town city centre. I know it has nothing on Josi, but it still does it for me. All the little shops. And the taxis, bless them.
Again, congrats on the new position (hehe, that always sounds wrong when i re-read it), whats the website by the way?
Hey Peas... congrats on the new job.
This is going to seem so friggin random, but can I pls have your email address, I'd like to interview you (I'm not some crazy, shady stalker, I write for a woman's mag)
Okay, the above post barely makes sense. Let me start at the beginning... I can't seem to find any mail address on your blog, is there any way I can get into contact with you?
Silver Sabre - thanks doll! CT city centre is very cool, in that it's much safer and is more accessible to everyone I think. But hey, I'm happy. Thanks dude. :)
Janine - Hi! You're welcome to get hold of me at peasontoast@gmail.com
A new job..and an interview...all in the same post??
Girl, u be moving on up.
Thanks Peas, just mailed you a second ago!
Love town too. 'nuff said.
Jam - and it's so nice you're here too! In the same building nonetheless!
I see lots of coffees and lunches in the future :)
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