A weekend of balance. Haven't had one of those for a while.
Friday night I caught up with all my mates I haven't seen in yonks. It was really good to have a little razzle and giggle over how ridiculously giggly, unglamourous and predictable we are. It was a nice night – not too crazy.
You know you stopped the funbus before it got out of hand when:
* The next day, Gandhi's Sandal does not reside in your mouth.
* The head is not immovable and pounding.
* You don't immediately on opening eyes, crave a KFC Streetwise Two.
* You don't have memory loss and/or any embarrassing moments which are later recounted in a fashion of table dancing, multiple Jaegerbombing and falling over the bouncer.
* Your car radio isn't set on maximum volume blaring the likes of Pat Benatar or Cream Anthems 2, the next morning.
No, instead had a flipping makeover. And put in six hours work. Hair was cut, layered and dyed, face and body were embalmed in Dead Sea Mud – eczema cream has been applied to my face every five seconds since Saturday. I have stocked up on my multi-vitamins and even bought a spanking new layered-bristle toothbrush.
Here on out, I'm going to take care with my appearance. So help me God.
Speaking of so help me God, my dad gets here in two days. Chaos. Chaos I'm not ready for.
C and I, not particularly loving life to the full right now, drank a glass of red last night and bitched about life. Always feel better after that.
When did you change your header? And what time do you wake up in the mornings peas? My word. I'm at work now and I'm still not awake actually.
Toti - Yeah I hate gettign up early - I hate getting up at all - but I start working at 7:00am. Twelve hour days these days. (sigh)
Glad to hear you aren't letting yourself go, lol.
And its never too late to clean up one's act, my weekly resolutions are proof of neverending quest to unravel the New Me :-)
Wow Amanzimtoti is observant, i hadn't noticed your header had changed!
Vimbai - she's very observant, I must say :)
Yeah and no more letting it hang all out for me. I'm going to start forging some good habits for a change. It's an uphill battle, so I hear you :)
*coming out of a haze*
Your banner changed?
SheBee - I actually didn't think anyone would pick it up. *also in haze*
Best you come reveal this gorgeous new Peas a few floors up with coffee...
Jam - I will definitely come up for a cuppa! Can't promise gorgeous, but "newish" , most definitely. Put ze kettle on. :)
So the weekend was a bit of a cop out was it?
You cunningly disguise the fact that you did not ride the cycle race by having a makeover and resolving to take better care of your appearance.
Wasn't it about last year this time that you resolved to take up cycling and get fit?
Cop out, maybe. I prefer to think of it as a weekend filled with peaceful tranquility and face masks. I wouldn't have wanted to mess with the hair.
Besides, I never got the cool bike to ride. :(
Not that I'm complaining or nothing.
I think that the worst part of a London hangover is when you wake up in bed next to a ....
That you started eating in your pissed state in bed and then passed out before you finished it. Not very pleasant.
Miss M - that's hysterical! :) ha ha ha
Was your mud wrap anything like mud wrestling?
Rev - ag, unfortunately not hey. It dried. I looked like a freak. :)
It wasn't all gooey and sloshy like in the movies.
Sounds like you really spoilt yourself this weekend....i'm glad for it!
Rub - shit it feels good hey. This is me changing my lifestyle, slowly but surely.
I'm not a young un anymore. So every weekend, I shall thoroughly give my body the once over it deserves. It also tends to pep one up as well.
And tonight I start spinning again.This will be, by far, the hardest challenge.
LOL.....my biggest challenge only starts in January! my gym contract is scheduled to start then...i've never gymed in my whole entire freakin life...never needed to! wish me luck!
Ooh good luck Ruby! Let me know how it goes, and be comforted in the fact I will be sweating it out with ya!
You are starting spinning and I have given it all up for a while. Enjoy grin. The best part is I don't even feel guilty about not going to gym hehehe
I will carry on riding my road bike but gym bores me to death at the moment
Nessers - hell yes. I tried gym for 6 months. I thought I gave it a good shot. Six. Whole. Months. I think the predictability of the wall in front of the treadmill was the thing that drove me partially insane.
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