Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rule number 1: Do not wear fuck off red heels on the commute in London. For one, I'm walking around the office looking like a cripple.

Rule number 2: There isn't one.

I fucking love this place.


mamastella said...

I love London too... Regularly waste hours on Google earth trawling the streets of London...

have fun!!

Nicole B said...

I wanna do that toooo-uuuuuhhhhh. (It was written in a whiney voice).

allhail said...

Peas, please pick up 1 x hunky, pommie man that dotes on me, makes me breakfast, is a phenomenal lover (not like what recent research says about the poms), has great teeth, well off (so he can visit me monthly) while you're there. Pretty please! ;)

Hope you're having the time of your life! Enjoy...