The experience went like this:
Irish colleague: Peas have you ever seen Chatroulette?
Peas: Is that where you randomly click through to people's web cameras?
Irish: Yes. It randomly selects web cameras around the world that are also on Chatroulette. Right, so here we go.
Peas: OK, so why is the 'partner' screen black.
Irish: Just wait. It's rouletting a whole load of web cameras across the world.
Peas: Oh look it's a baby's arm holding an cute....wait..............OH MY GOD, oh my god, turn it off turn it off! It's a dude wanking right in front of his camera!
[mild frenzy involving clicking windows, pulling out cables, and wondering if anyone else at the office saw my screen.]
Irish....that was grand. For a first Chatroulette experience, seeing a wanker, that was great craic.
This is Chatroulette. Consisting of 70% males under 35, and of those, half of them wank directly into the camera.
It's free porn. If you're a wank fetishist.
chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.
Southpark obviously featured it in one of its episodes.
So I did a little experiment of my own. Cunningly dressed like a Fly That Wears A Tiara. It's dangerously addictive, especially if there's nothing to watch on the box.
I henceforth received:
A guy who was willing to make a fair trade

A dude who wants me to show him my boobs and feet at the same time

Hugh Hefner called, he wants his gown back

Senor Nice Chest

EEEEEEK! Put that away! GOD!, stop...don't open it, no...NEXT

That was enough to sanctify my curiosity.
Hah! It would take swimming pool of holy water and a full sitting of the College of Cardinals to sanctify my curiosity.
....and a flatscreen of free rolling porn right?
Well it is roulette so you gonna expect the guy to have a loaded weapon and there's always a 1 in 6 chance that he will discharge it!
Funny enough Rev, that's the statistic - I read that 1 in every 6 rotations will give you a .....loaded gun.
6 rotations? Sounds like you're being turned on?
Yeah...mexican pube belts have always done it for me :)
Rev I saw someone that looked a lot like you last night, were you rotating big guy? ;)
You recognised my gun?
Weren't you the guy wearing the jean pant?
With the webcam strapped under your desk?
If it's under the desk, does that make it a cobweb cam?
Next time I'll strap it to my leg...wotcha think?
So are you a regular Rev? What are your favourite time slots of the day? ;)
Why, you wanna join the fan club?
Wonder if there's a market for a cameltoe cam? Online cam showing perps checking out your cameltoe?
Would you sign up for the CamelCam service?
Cameltoes are really uncomfortable. Well at least in my experience. It's like a wedgie, you really just want fix that guy.
Thanks but I'll pass.
Insane! hows the "balls" on the dude to show his chop!
Spear - aw come on, I know you wanna! ;)
Billy - tell me about it. every sixth turn of the roulette there's a chop showing his chop. Face not usually included though.
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