I'm about to part with my first piece of big furniture.
I lay in bed last night tossing and turning.
Booking a one way ticket freaked me out, but I didn't lose sleep over it.
Getting a visa only induced excitement which lead to mass celebrations that took place in aviator sunglasses on top of a bar counter.
But now, a friend who is buying my couches is collecting the first couch this weekend.
The empty space (what will I put there in the interim?) has unleashed the beast.
I am immigrating. In the name of good fuck, I'm immigrating.
The first couch that I ever owned (Furniture City), is going to a new home this weekend.
It's been privvy to my entire 8 year existence in Johannesburg. It was Scotch Guarded luckily, as it's had it's fair share of red wine splattered over it during karaoke parties.
It's seen boyfriends come and go, it's lived in three apartments, it's been fornicated on, and leading on from that, the covers have been through around 45 washing machine cycles.
If I'm crying over a stupid couch, what the hell am I going to do when I have to part with my Beetle? Run behind it for two kilometres as the new owner makes me eat dust?
I'm getting rid of my stuff. The process has started, and my flat is starting to look threadbare.
It's one hell of a surreal process.
Just wait until you pull the door closed for the last time and drive to the airport.
Everything takes on a different look and feels different and for me anyways I only really believed it was heppening when I clicked the seatbelt on the plane.
Pretty soon though you will be browsing the 2nd hand books on the South Bank, cursing tourists and seeking out trendy new places to sample.
Enjoy the ride.
Thanks Peter! Yeah you're right, it's going to slowly hit home as things start moving, but never more so when I am sitting on the plane waiting to take off.
I'm sooo excited, but I'm also a bit terrified.
I hope you gave your friend a good discount owing to the fornication :) I've now made a note to never buy used furniture :P
Omg I always wanted the modern style beetle, it's too cute! It will definitely be pretty fucking shit seeing it go :/ what colour is it???
The Chan - hows' this for a sweet deal: she's actually getting this couch for FREE.
She's buying my snazzy red one. That I've had for just over a year. And i threw in this one absolutely free. Aren't I nice? ;)
Ludwig is a white Beetle. He's beautiful.
Yep - exciting but with an element of OMFG-what-am-I-doing thrown in for good measure!!
When I left SA, I cried like a baby every time someone came to look at my car (Golf VR6 - I loved it like I had birthed it). When I signed the change of ownership papers I snotted and snivelled through the entire process, and the long ride home afterwards. Sjoe I STILL miss that car.
On the positive side, it's been 10 years since I left SA - until 3 months ago I was in the Middle East, now have finally settled in NZ, and it's the best decision I could have made.
Good luck on your big adventure xxx
Hi Julie!
I loved it like I had birthed it...that's the best description I've heard in ages. i love that and know exactly how you feel. Am going to sob like 1000 girls on PMS, I tell ya.
Ten years gone hey! That's a long time to be away, but totally understandable, and that could be me in ten years. Scary thinking :)
Thanks for the lesson to never buy used furniture ;) Hope it becomes more exciting than sad/scary for you soon.
cassey - haha! Seriously though, mine is INNOCENCE.COM in comparison to what this guy I know did in the States.
he went to buy a second hand sleeper couch, and found himself driving into a trailer park. Entered the trailer where the couch in question sat, and it looked as though someone had repeatedly urinated over the thing.
I'm willing to bet that at least 99% of the population shags on their couch at one point in their lives.
Urination though? not so much....
Hi Peas,
That is freaking scary, but just think of all the cool new stuff you're going to get...
V surreal - I used to read your blog when I was over in Londres and found it so weird to be reminded of jhb life, and now you're going to be reminding me of London life while I'm back here...
Enjoy your car though while you have it, it's such a bitch having to carry groceries home, after work, in heels. A car boot is something I seriously don't take for granted anymore!!
Good luck and enjoy!
Hi Flossie!
No ways! So it'll be a reverse, I wonder if my new adventures will be anything similar to yours?
I'm going to seriously MISS having a car. Groceries are one thing - what a mission - the second is going home when I feel like it and not having to find a transport hub and huddle in the cold.
I'm not looking forward to that aspect. I'm scared man.
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