The Brit and I are booked for our next voyage.
Vee are going to Sveeden ja.
Long weekend late August, when it's still mid-summer and the sun only sets at 10pm, we are planning to buy ourselves viking hats and call each other Bjorn.
Always wanted to see the the Nordics. And thought Stockholm would be a good entry into Scandinavia, although I have visited a few IKEA outlets in my life before.
Won't eat herring; will drink Absolut vodka.
We are going to stay in the city for a night, and then on this gorgeous green island for two other nights. With a private beach.

This exact one, to be precise.
Svenk, I'm chuffed.*
Our first little Euro weekend away, admittedly the Brit is making a sacrifice. He's been to Stockholm before, and I haven't. However, I promised next time we'd go to Berlin, where I've been and he hasn't.
We thought booking RyanAir would be best for our budget. Well the one problem with RyanAir is that although it seems budget, by the end of the transaction you've ended up paying the same price as your would on Norwegian Airlines (which we are now flying.)
You pay to pee on RyanAir, ok. (One euro, in case you wanted to know how much your urine was worth.)
You pay £40 to take a 20 kilo bag.
You pay to get your ticket SMSed to you.
You pay to stand in front of the queue, as it's a first-come-first-serve to get seats.
Norwegian Airlines rapes you, but at least you get a free sandwich.
At first Brit and thought we'd go without bags. Take our toothbrushes, a spare pair of underpants.
Then buy Viking uniforms when we're there and walk around in those for three days.
I'm still considering the Viking uniforms, even though we now get to take a suitcase.
It seems being allowed to take a suitcase in Europe is a luxury. Now I know why the French supposedly smell.
*Assuming Svenk is 'fuck' in Swedish.
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