Thursday, August 18, 2011

dicks and thatcherism

Isn't she immense?

Many of my friendships are laced with ridiculous emails.

Here's a sample of yesterday's, in the event you want details:

To: The Dove
From: Peas on Toast
Re: Let's create a Dicktionary

Dude. Had a new idea. A new publishing iniatitive. Let's create a DICKTIONARY. You know, a Dicktionary: A Dictionary for Dicks.

We could create a glossary that's more 'street' than Urban Dictionary.

1) LOLZ! (n) (No seriously LOL!) ----> must be written with a Z, in caps and always have exclamation mark, and only be used to describe the laughs emitted from a ridiculous moment.
"I was LOLLING all over the place, LOLZ."

2) "Aye yo fo sheezy" ---> RnB throwback with reference to D'Angelo and Tu Pac (90s RnB heroes). Also means "definitely."


To: Peas on Toast
From: The Dove
Re: Re. Let's create a Dicktionary

LMAOAHAH - Laughed my ass off and had a hernia

BRBAFHS - Be right back after fetching ham sandwich

WTFFAW - What the fuck fat ass wanka

WTFWDMBG - What the fuck where did my bike go?


To: Peas on Toast
From: She Who Hates Socialists
Re: Skoda Socialist hoax

Do you think this is some sort of elaborate socialist HOAX?

To: She Who Hates Socialists
From: Peas on Toast
Re: Skoda Socialist hoax

Have to say I'm a little skeptical. Can a Skoda travel that speed really really? Without being thrown down a steel mine shaft? Filled with socialists?
(The car, not the shaft.)

PS: Dude.
1) Do you have Margaret Thatcher's email address. I need to ask her something.

To: Peas on Toast
From: She Who Hates Socialists
Re: Skoda Socialist hoax

Of course I do.

Isn't that just a party line for conservatives? If so, expect my mail, Margaret.

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