Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Jeeziz. Ok. I'm not quite sure how to explain what happened to me in bed last night, but I'll certainly try.

You're all going to think I've finally lost the plot, and I'm a completely dotty bat. Perhaps you're right.

I went to bed at a reasonable hour, after watching Grey's Anatomy. I didn't even play with myself. But I tossed and turned, eventually finally falling asleep. Next thing, I sort of wake up, and this is the wierd part: All these strange images were flitting through my head, and loud sounds and noises were accompanying these images. It was like I was reading somebody's mind.
That part wasn't scary, because that could've been a dream afterall.

What was absolutely terrifying was that I couldn't move, my body had gone completely stiff, my back was arched, my eyes were wide open, I was screaming because I couldn't move, but no sound came from my mouth.

This happened not once, but twice. Both times straight after each other.
I was completely awake both times, as my eyes were open and I rememeber seeing my ceiling and walls perfectly clearly.

The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is something along the lines of the supernatural, which isn't reasonable at all really.

Some of my more recent readers may not know, but my room is haunted. I can swear blind there is something that lives in my room. It hasn't bothered me to the point where I've thought of bringing in a priest to have the room exorcised, but I'm thinking it's now time to call ghostbusters. Because it felt like I was being possessed last night.

Maybe I'm going completely crazy.
Either way, I'm not sleeping in there tonight.


Anonymous said...

Peas. While I think it is generally accepted by readers of your blog that you are "NOT WELL" this is a disturbing event. Seriously have you recently begun some new medication of ANY sort or even tried some new foodstuff?

Allergies are scary things and can cause things like this. Promise.

Peas on Toast said...

Hey Phil

The only medication I am on are multi-vitamins. I ate fish last night, which I eat a lot of.

I was perfectly chilled last night. I can't explain why this happened, but I was terrified out of my skull.

Suavé said...

Peas, I know you might think that I'm puling your leg but this used to happen to me in high school. I have no idea what the fuck it was and I never spoke to anybody about it at all. Now that you bring it up, it's all coming back.

The way it happened to me was that I would be asleep and then next thing I open my eyes but I cant get up. Almost like somebody is pushing down on my back so I cant get up. And you feel like you're screaming and you can visually see everything around you but you cant do anything about it. I would be fighting for my life to get free but nothing. And then all of a sudden you're back to normal. Happened a coupla times. Man, that used to scare the shit outta me! Still does to this day.

The remedy? Well, I'll I dont know. I just disappeared after a coupla times. Jocelyn's theory of sleep paralysis sounds plausible though. Whoa sister, I hope you not too freaked out! Cause I was...

kyknoord said...

Sweet Peas, I agree with Jocelyn. It does sound a lot like sleep paralysis (Wikipedia has a pretty thorough explanation, btw) and this is - believe it or not - a relatively normal occurence. It's scary as shit, but the thing to do is try and relax and ride it out when it happens.

Peas on Toast said...

Jocelyn thank you!!
That is the best explanation I have heard all morning - and it at least diverges from the fact that I've lost my marbles!

I was paralysed, so perhaps this is exactly what it was. I was scared out of my wits, just from the images and noises and the fact I couldn't move!

Tonight I'll drink three cups of camomile! (And possibly sleep with The Ant.)

Peas on Toast said...

Suave - hectic bro! I was almost scared to write about it today, but glad I did, so that I can somehow figure out what it was! So in a way I'm glad it happened to you too, as scary as it was! Hectic!

Kyk - thanks guy, I'm going to Google/Wikipedia 'sleep paralysis' now and see what I come up with!

Anonymous said...

Hi Peas
This phenomenon is called "sleep paralysis". Google it. It usually occurs in REM sleep, which is your dreaming state. It's like you're dreaming awake.
I had an experience like this about two weeks ago. It's also apparently sometimes triggered by emotional anxiety and change.
You're certainly not going crazy!

Anonymous said...

Was typing a response and saw all the others...:-)

Peas on Toast said...

Thanks Jam! Phew, I am SO glad I posted about this, despite my reservations of appearing completely fucked. This is why I love blogging!

Anonymous said...

When I had my experience two weeks ago, I felt like I was being smothered by a huge inky black thing. As much as I tried to shake it, it wouldn't move either. I was also completely terrified! It's a very weird and frightening thing to experience.

Anonymous said...

told you your ghost was friendly...

Champagne Heathen said...

Peas, if your doc is anything like mine (very friendly and understanding & will call you back as soon as he can), then maybe just give him a call and ask his advice. It is always better & more reassuring to hear a professional discuss it with you, than the vast info on the net.

Or your local priest/rabi/guru.

Sounds like it was shit. But thanks for letting us know about it! said...

i have definitely experienced this more than 230 times in my life!!!

completely normal......although i think it attacks insane people more than normal ones!

fida . . .


Peas on Toast said...

Jam - inky black thing? Shitters doll face, I would've died from terror itself.

Third Roommate - I dare you to sleep in there. One night.

Jocelyn - thank you!

Champs - perhaps I should give my doc a call nevertheless, if this has come from stress/anxiety.

Fida - this is a regualr thing for you? Good grief, how do you cope?

Anonymous said...

i did last thursday

Peas on Toast said...

On your OWN this time! I'll sleep with Ant, and we'll record the screams from HER room china.

Anonymous said...

Well its great you have an explanation Peas. Wierd. My mother used to get something similar and it turned out to be a reaction to medication she was on.....I look forward to NOT having one of these experiences....sounds like something to avoid if at all possible.......


Peas on Toast said...

Hectic Phil, well I hope she's over it, because I'd imagine she was sweating buckets from the fear!

Phew. So it's normal. I don't need a straight jacket just yet! :)

Anonymous said...

you're on. at least i won't get woken up by your farting.

Revolving Credit said...

Sweet Peas, totally diffferent take on it, but have you possibly been consuming any Absynthe??

muddlepuddle said...

jeezuz can't say I've heard of all this before maar ek se fokkin whoa.

Hectic Peasypoo and twice. Fuck me.
Maybe u had a seizure - those r yuk? Or a panic attack?

Well nonetheless I hope this never ever ever ever ever happens to you again.
And if it does maybe warn me coz things like this scare me to my bones. Freaks me out to a point of fervid nausea.I may choose not to read on.

PS try talking to the ghost in your room - seriously.It's there for a reason.
Maybe it finds you attractive and what you experienced last night (2wc) was inter-plane sex?
Nah Jocelyns sleep paralysis holds more water

Suavé said...

HAHA Third Roomate! Are you sure you want to be telling us this? You could be getting a good ol' knuckle sandwich for dinner tonight! LOL!

Peas on Toast said...

Third Roommate: Don't get me started on the hard on I had in my back the next morning or your snoring. Sure you wanna start this?

Muddle - thanks dear. It was pretty frightening. Perhaps it was a panic attack, but Jocelyn's and Jam's theory rings true I think.

Rev - nah, that was Third World Ant on Saturday! :)

Suave - The little fucker always has to take things way too far.

zuzula said...

She of the Handbag's had sleep paralysis a few times. basically it's when your mind is awake but your body is still sleeping. She said she felt like something was sitting on her chest - lots of people get that, i think the 'thing' is called a succabus. Apparently it's just because you can feel the weight of your lungs but weirdly lots of people picture it as looking like the same creature. I hope you don't get it again hon - sounds terrifying, especially given your haunted abode...

Anonymous said...

you weren't complaining the next morning

Third World Ant said...

Peas, you're welcome to sleep with me tonight - in fact, after seeing you this monring, I'd be happier that way :)

As for Third Roommate's hard on, I'm surprised you could even feel it!

Anonymous said...

touche ant. but i got an e-mail the other day from people who said they can help me. i'm optimistic that the situation will be rectified soon...

Suavé said...

Ant > I can hear the whole blogosphere going...


TR, they are bringing it on bra. Good luck dude. It sure must be colourful living with these two eh?

Peas on Toast said...

Ok ok Third Roommate - you've basically just told the blogosphere you have a small penis. wahahahahaha Why you being so humble, it's not like you. ;)

Zu - hectic, it seems this is definitely something the many people experience. It's good not to feel alone that's for sure! Hope La Handbag can get it sorted out!

Ant - I'm dossing with tonight mate. :)
(And I oly felt it because TR was trying to cop a feel.)
PS: This makes my afternoon.

Anonymous said...

i think everyone is skirting the issue.... peas is possessed! (one too many Ss in there somewhere but anyway) i heartily endorse a exorcism party ( bring your own holy water, copies of the roman rituals will be provided)

did you see the exocrcism of mary someoneoranother... she did the whole arched back thing... spooky.

but seroiusly- that is some scary shit, jam. Ohmigod.

Peas on Toast said...

Ramone - my dear. Let's have an exorcist party! As long as there's shitloads of wine for the communion ceremony, everyone will be happy! Hey - and when we doing your Snadhurst pole party big guy?? ;)

Revolving Credit said...

Now does TRM have a small penis or was his member also suffering from 'sleep paralysis'.

About the hard-on in your back, maybe the room in haunted and he was scared stiff...Ha,ha

Sounds like TRM almost became for fuckbuddy...dangerous combo : you paralysed and him scared stiff.

That would explain the alot:
You couldn't move - he was lying on top
Loud sounds - well moan away if you want
Back arched - sounds like you came
No sounds from mouth - don't know if you're a screamer ora moaner.
Happened twice - lucky you , way to go TRM

Was it supernatural or just TRM and his 'POLE-tergeist.

OK I'm putting my overactive imagination back to bed now.

Peas on Toast said...

Yes Rev - put that imagination back in its bag for moment! As lovely as TR is - the only thing we share is brotherly love for each toher, and even then, this is severly tested when I have to shnuggle up to him on occasion! And then he argues with me about EVERY SINGLE THING like the French vs Portuguese, the contents of our refrigerator, what we watch on tv. Still, he's always a hoot to have around. Bless his satin jockstrap.

Revolving Credit said...

Why, is he coupled??

Anonymous said...

we can't keep this charade up forever girls. you may as well come out and admit that the reason for your derision of my manhood is guilt over our nightly threeways...

Peas on Toast said...

TR - Have you told your girlfriend about our daily menage a trois'?

(Not that it should be a problem or anything...)

Wezzo said...

Peas you get way too many comments these days wow, I havnt read up what others have said – these internet café minutes are running out fast - but I caught the just.

I get the condition you described often. I really thought I was the only one, and I'm really glad someone else is experiencing the curse. When I tell people they all think I was dreaming at the time, but it happens when I’m wide awake lying in bed. The scariest part is screaming for help and nothing comes out except a moan.

I'm not religious at all but it seems to occur when ever I start thinking about anything related to the related to religion. Stupid thoughts like who would win in a punch-up Big G or the Devil - "definitely the Devil" - BAM Paralysed. This is me being totaly serious.

Revolving Credit said...

Aha...the plot sickens!!

Peas on Toast said...

Wez - hey there dude face! The more I think of it, I am so glad I wrote about this today. I had my concerns that I'd be the only one, but it looks like this is a common phenomenon!

And the religion thing - can't comment there, I was dreaming about all sorts of strange stuff, although it was freaky in itself. But it is terrifying! Waking up, your eyes are open and you can't breathe, move or scream! So I understand, and hope this doesn't happen to you too often.

Champagne Heathen said...

Peas - you, TR & a poltergiest have nightly threesomes?? Sounds just like an E-TV porn episode I watched recently!

Peas on Toast said...

Lol champs, well actually he was saying (or downright lieing actually) that Ant, myself and him have midnight banging sessions.

But throw in a spook and we have a fourgy. Our house is getting too full!

Daedalus said...


I agree with Jocelyn - sleep paralysis, used to happen to me too when I was younger LOL

Peas on Toast said...

Shit! It seems as though everyone's experienced this at some time or another! Relief!

Although, the ghost still sits at the back of my mind and I think I'll still sleep with The Ant tonight.

Champagne Heathen said...

Yes, I almost feel like I am missing out for just having plain old boring insomnia. Almost.

Peas on Toast said...

Champs, insomnia is something I deal with too, so it's almost normal. But neverthless, I hope this doesn't turn into something regular. You don't want this, trust me!

Champagne Heathen said...

I think it's a sign you have to start dealing with some of that stress and anxiety. I put insomnia down to one of the 1st signs. I think you can put near-possession-by-demons, aka. sleep paralysis, down to a sign a few more steps along the line.

And if you do call the doc to find out how, please ask him if he gives group discounts in such training...

Peas on Toast said...

Champs I absolutely agree with you: it's stress and anxiety and possibly post break-up trauma. (Little fucker's going to pay for the counselling bill.)

If they do group therapy, I'll let you all know. Could be fun. :)

Champagne Heathen said...

Ah, one of those where we all get to hold hands, hug alot, and not forgetting the chanting of those affirmations. Also if there's lots of retro-therapy! Not that I think you blog doesn't allow many people to do retrotheraphy & be as open as is possibly healthy to be!

Just don't organise us a Dr. Phil. (Not you Phil. The bald angry obnoxious guy on tv.)

Anonymous said...

Peas -

Don't let them fool you with this sleep paralysis stuff.

I think you had a close call with a Lethifold. (A.k.a. the living shroud)

This is a 'mercifully' rare creature found solely in tropical climates. It resembles a black cloak perhaps half a n inch thick (1.25 cm in SA). If, however, it has recently killed and digested a victim, it is thicker. It glides along the ground at night (even under doors) and up the bed, over your face etc, where it attempts to smother and then eat you.

See Scamander, Newt. (date unknown) Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Copyright: J.K. Rowling (2001). Bloomsbury Publishing, London.

Page 25, Paperback version

Anonymous said...

Sorry peas - last post was actually info for Jam - smothered by a hugh the black inky thing.

For you - No High Tension (33 Kv)power lines near your house, like over the roof? These have HUGH eletromagnetic fields surrounding them and cause all sorts of strange things to happen to us. Or perhaps a mobile/cell phone mast?

They can scramble our own brain impulses and cause all sorts of sleep and other problems.

If so, move away to the country. Or get yourself one of these thingamies