Saturday, October 07, 2006

jeek dinner

The Ant and I attended the Jeek Dinner last night, delivered and hosted by the delightful Mike Stopforth. (We love Mike Stopforth.)

And, noticed, on sipping casually on jam jars, to our gathered delight, that our blogs were chosen in the consortium of other well-known blogs that were projected onto the wall. I was a little embarrassed, since the post I wrote yesterday, started with the line "I think I just cum," and was projected at 2 metres x 2 metres for all to see. Of all the posts. I couldn't stop giggling.

Great dinner. Nice to meet the jeeks, and see a couple of familiar faces. One jeek in particular, a speaker as well, had me sliding off my chair. Snackable? Not quite. I'd devour him whole if I had the chance. Young as well. Mike told me to shut my gaping mouth and to please refrain from jutting my boobs out towards him in an unbecoming manner. Thanks Mike, you're the best.

The wine was sponsored by Stormhoek, a wine that got known throughout the world simply by word of mouth and blogging. Subtle punting via blogging.

I got home and this conversation with my rat.
Peas: Hello my boy!
Chad: [silence]
Peas: Come to mama.
Chad: [silence]
Peas: OK well at least let me pick you up dammit.
Chad: [silence. And disappears to hang upside in tube.]
Peas: For God's sake Chad. If I wanted a useless pet I would've bought a bloody goldfish.
Chad: [silence]
Peas: Now you're giving me tube-berculosis. You stubborn shit.
Chad: [silence]
Peas: Mummy just wants to hold you. Get out of that tube. Right. Now.
Chad: [silence. But climbs out of tube.]
Peas: That's my boytjie! I love you Chad!
Chad: [bewildered silence. Stares at me.]
Peas: Fine. Whatever. I'm going to bed.

I think my rat thinks his mum is crackers.


Anonymous said...

I'm with the rat:)

Peas on Toast said...

That's pants.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of the term Jeek before, but it was a good dinner...

It's nice noing there are other 'Jeek's around....

Anonymous said...

Peas, what was the dinner about? Only blogging/blogs or general "I build a hundreds club timer using a microprocessor" tyoe geekery?

Revolving Credit said...

I'm with the Chadster.
He's not talking to you cause he thinks you're going to stand him up on Sat so you can spend some quality time with Uncertain Someone.
Quite understandable on his part.

Peas on Toast said...

duzbin - Mike calls himself a jeek. It stuck. :)

Peas - Blogs were a big thing, however, the talks included how subtle punting in blogs can advertise a product, and how by staying in South Africa now, especially for those in marketing, is especially lucrative. Bit of everything really.

Rev - Perhaps I should bribe Chad? Like buy him a rat treat or something, you know, so he doesn't think he's being ousted by Uncertain Soemone. (Love that btw, Uncertain.)

Chad - my boy. You're my number one. Even though I have to make up dialogue for you. I love you guy.

Anonymous said...

peas? Hmm..

Peas on Toast said...

Yeah...sorry about that.

I've just written a comment to my rat.

I've finally lost the plot. Entirely.

Anonymous said...

Yes I did notice, but though it best not to comment, what with you being so confrontational for the next few days..

Koekie said...

"I do whatever the little voices tell me to do"

Revolving Credit said...

Peas, you just called Pete, Peas???
Unless of course you were having a conversation with yourself??

Tell Chad that if he can't handle the rejection and being left home alone, there's a party at my place on Sat. He's welcome to pop by and can crash there if he gets to pissed.

Peas on Toast said...

Pete - yeah watch it.

Koekie - "Easy Mr Testosterone, you can be replaced by a zucchini."


Peas on Toast said...

Rev - oh my greatness, I did. I'm a little hungover today, please may it be that my mind is fuzzy and that I don't need a straight jacket.

I'll relay the message to the Chadmeister. He digs a good party. I think. Well he'd better if he wants to drink his mother under the table. :)

Billy said...

You are nuts, Chads not the first to pick it up.


Peas on Toast said...

Morning Billy. :)

Katie Possum said...

Good Morning nutty Peas!
Personally, I'm in favour of a little madness first thing in the morning.

Morning trivia:
Did you know: Istanbul is the only city located on two continents (Europe and Asia)?!

Have a good day!

Peas on Toast said...

Kate - no way, I didn't know that!
Did you know it's illegal to eat flowers in Tennessee?

Can't back that up.

Still sonds feasible to me.

Wezzo said...

Actually pretty sorry I missed it, but at least now I don't have to explain to friends and family why I went to a geek dinner - the same folk I gave noogies too in highschool.

Who were/was the speaker(s)? Food fight?

Champagne Heathen said...

So what did they have to say about your blog last night?

Rev - best you just extend this invite to all, rather just the rat. I can be entertaining as any drunk rat at a party.

(And another tree in Rosebank gets chopped chopped chopped. The noise is fcking irritating & hurting my head.)

Peas on Toast said...

Yeah Wezz, we wondered where you were!

My mum asked the same thing: "Peas, what on Earth are you going to a geek dinner for? You not convincing anybody here."


Mike hosted it, he spoke a bit. Others included a girl whose eludes me, the Stormhoek guy, and Cristoff (?) a blogger. Seth Godin, the famous blogger/book guy also spoke - through a sound byte that Mike organised.

Peas on Toast said...

Champs - not sure what was said about it, it was just projected on the wall with the others. :)

This tree thing is really such pants. It makes me very cross. Tress are what makes older parts of JHB like Rosebank so bloody nice.

Katie Possum said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Peas on Toast said...

Those yanks are crazy motherstickers ;)

Anonymous said...

Just had the weirdest image - you talking to chad sounded exactly like the hippo in the madagascar movie when she's comforting the baby lemur.

KaB said...

More importantly...did you get the 'Jeek's' number? I mean, if you ever wanted a late-night snack or something?

I think everyone is missing the point re: 'The Chad'! He's playing you so damn well! He hides & sits there (or hangs, whatever is making his bum hum at the time)all coy-like & disinterested, listening to your sweet lovey-dovey calls of affection! He has you whipped & is lapping it up. Luckily for you, he's a rat & not some fuckwit! He'll never leave your side, unless he wants to continue with the hanging shit!

Ten points to 'The Chad'!

Anonymous said...

That's nothing: In South Africa its legal to stop your car in the middle of the road, clamber over to the back seat and gesture rudely.
On the subject of subtle punting, it reminds me of a really good shoepolish I use. I think its called ToeNubbins. ToeNubbins, the polish that restores and relieves tired feet. ToeNubbins, sole food. Call 0989976030 and order now. And that's not all ...

Peas on Toast said...

ChewtheCud -calling me a hippo right now may not be in your best interests Chewthecud.

Kabinstsimbi - that little player! I'll show him whose boss around here. Chad you casanova, onto you. (Although, he's playing a prtty good game, isn't he?)

Apfel - Toenubbins: Order now and we'll throw in a free polish cloth worth 0.12 cents!

Katie Possum said...

Sorry. deleted that comment because my code went funny. Here's that again

KaB said...

Lol, how can you not want him to carry on playing? I mean, isn't that the point of pets, for them to get to love you & for you to have a companion. And the way, us moron human beings do that, is through the use of whispering sweet things in their ears while they just sit there staring at you, with only one thought in their heads "ja whatever, give me my food bitch!"

We are all total gimps & all for the love of a pet! What would we do without them?

Anonymous said...

Champs says she is/was a walrus. Not sure which is heavier. btw Hippo's kill more people in africa than any other animal.

Champagne Heathen said...

A sexy walrus, mind you!! Peas, don't stress ChewTheCud is a manatee, chewing his seaweed cud. And an adorable content sea cow at that.

Fck. I've lost the plot now. Is 10.55 too early for the w.end's 1st tequila?

Actually, CTC, how sexy and single are you? Wanna be set up for a few hrs this w.end?? ha ha.

Anonymous said...

That's so beautiful - a woman bonding with her rat *sniff* BTW what's up with Mike? Most guys appreciate a little boob-thrusting action. He should show more understanding.

Peas on Toast said...

Kabint - buying a rat was the best decision I made all month so far. I just love the little guy. :)

Chew - I believe so. And this fact can definitely be backed up. Champs is a cutie btw.

Champers - I reckon you and The Chew. :)

Kyk - Mikey was just laughing. 'm sure he apprecaited it.;)

Anonymous said...

Just keep picking Chad up. Eventually he'll get the idea.
Sorry I missed the dinner - was going to drop by and join in the jam jars but my eyelids were not co-operating and I fell asleep...

Anonymous said...

Always game - that us sea-cows for you. I have no doubt that walruses (walrusi?) can be cute. Check this out. Do you think size really matters though? ;)

Champagne Heathen said...

Peas, what fact can be backed up? That hippos are Africa's biggest killers? Or that I am the size of a walrus?

Yo, both of you better go reread that post again! I am now The Seal. Much hotter. Much sleeker.

Chews - the link doesn't work??

Anonymous said...

Looks like it morphed with peas' site and created the super-duper-not-gonna-work link. I'll just post the address. And yes we do get that you're now a seal. And peas just gave ya a seal of approval. ;)

Champagne Heathen said...

Excellent to know you've realised I am no longer the size of a walrus because OHMYGOD I am not the size of Nikolai the walrus in that pic!!!

Peas knows I have dodgy pics of her. She has little choice but to publicly give me her seal of approval.

Peas on Toast said...

Jam - you were missed my lovely. But there'a always next time. :)

Chew - and a sea cow is better, because.... :) Size doesn't matter though right? ;0

Champers - that hippos are the biggest killers in Africa. :)

Chew - I did indeed give the seal of approval. ;)

Peas on Toast said...

Champs - those pictures. I've got pics of you too you know. ;) On C's camera anyway....he he he

Dan Lurie said...


You are cuckoo

Champagne Heathen said...

Ah, but I was all sweet & innocent that w.end. Well, that's subjective. It was this past w.end you needed photos. Though got enough of those!! Be sure to have a camera around for dodgy pics this w.end & tomorrow's dinner!

Anonymous said...

Diwali tomorrow. Time to get my bangra on! Mundian Te Bach Ke!

Anonymous said...

Peas, have an amazing time at the dinner.
Have fun, relax. Be Peas.

Daedalus said...


Why a rat…?
Hamsters are way cooler!

Peas on Toast said...

O-D - I may just be. :)

Champers -Oh there'll be pics...:)

Chew - The famous words of Punjabi MC...

Jam - thanks dollface! Just realised with horror and amusement that I'm double dating the same guy this weekend. Fireworks with him tonight; formal with me tomorrow. Hectic!

Daedalus - simple really. Had enough hamsters, the're sweet but boring, wanted to try something new. And rats are more intelligent and have more character, or so I'm told. :)

Daedalus said...


As a youngster, I had a number of hamsters too. I stopped keeping them cause one gets attached to a little critter that really only have a 2 year lifespan. :(

Daedalus said...

PS: Hamsters are way cleaner on themselves as well ;)

Peas on Toast said...

Daedalus - aw they are sweet. And probably are cleaner for sure. But Chad is clean. For now. :)

KaB said...

You know, this has made me remember a rather disturbing experience as a 13 year-old. My mate & I bought pet mice (you know, those funny things) & she kept them both at her place. Low & behold the two mated & had themselves some babies. We naively thought, huh, how nice & let them carry on like one big happy family!

Until one day, we came home & one of the babie's head's was off - it looked like a roast chicken (to this day this image stays engraved in my head)& the head was nowhere to be seen! We thought it was strange & flushed the lonely body down the loo! Sad as we were, there were other babies & all was ok! Not one day later were almost all the babies heads off! And the heads were nowhere to be can imagine how puzzled us two gals were at this stage. Again, we flushed them down the loo & let things go with the flow in mouseland until no babies were left at all.

It was only a few days later that we found out that you are suppose to remove the babies from mom & dad duo because the mother tends to nibble & gobble up the heads. She actually eats her children...what is that about?

Anonymous said...

to quote the greatest (non-)fictional character of all time- Patrick Bateman: "... i can feel my veneer of sanity starting to slip..."

this week has been hell, and can now end.

ps. see you sunday
pps. rats make great fashion acessories - everyone will think you're eccentric- take chad out out, and then go tilt when the doorman/shop assistant says - sorry maam no rats allowed. priceless.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming Peas (so to speak) - your presence made it that much coooooler. I spoke to the young blogger and he's up for a schnack.

Oh and kyknoord - I was positively jolly at the sight of Peas thrusting her boobs all over the place, problem was, they weren't being thrust in my direction.

I was competing for attention with the young Schnaker Bar.

Wezzo, my bru, you missed a cracker. I even had some wine put aside for the legend chumps and you were a no-show. This Mike is bleakness :P

Peas on Toast said...

Ah Mikey, we love you dollface. xx

Aiden said...

Yep, peas, the young Chris... oops, I mean Schnaker was quite delightful.

Peas on Toast said...

Aiden - ack. The cat's out of the bag!

OK, not like it ever was in the bag, so to speak. :)

Anonymous said...

Delightful, Aiden?! Oooookay...
I didn't spot your site on the projector, Peas - otherwise I'd specifically have requested Mike to steer me in your direction (odd how people get legendary status!) - just so I can say I've met you! Although you claim not to be geeky, someone photoshopped the "I know Peas on Toast" badge....

fly said...

Rats loooooooooooooooove boiled eggs...he will go nuts for it.... ;o)

And live moths... :o)

Aiden said...

Oh come on Rog, you've gotta admit that for a bloke, he does get the heart racing a little?

Or are you perhaps delving into your primal denial that surfaces when a more-than-able-competitor steps up to the plate?

Peas on Toast said...

Roger - best next time you come say hi! :) Who photoshopped my Peas badge? Wasn't me, it was the delightful Vince. ;)

Aiden - competitors hey? Ah ha!

Roger Saner said...

Denial?! What? Me? Haha - nice Aiden - yes, I definitely put him in the "more than able competitor" category - although my graphically-oriented mind cannot get around what that squeeze must have been like. For both of them. Carl has the best summary: "Jacob-the-Billy-Goat-dies-and-sets-the-stage-for-promising- Young-Speaker-to-employ-his-beemer-to-return-a-modicum-of-sanity-to-his- sobbing-maid-while-learning-that-life-in-SA-can-be-full-of-surprises-and-HEY- you-can-even-map-the-opportunities-in-life-to-a-pair-of-goat's-bollocks-if-you- tell-a-story-with-enough-panache." But I think it's important to state I'm not in denial. At all.

Peas, I'm deeply disappointed at your lack of photoshop skills. Or something. I would've recognised you if you'd only let photos of yourself be published online (like Aiden) - since I was following Mike's adventures in Grahamstown recently - the closest he got was posting pics of your high, that's either really interesting...or really weird. ::unsure::

Peas on Toast said...

Roger - ha ha, I told Mike he could take pics of my shoes. They're beautiful see. ;) And I figured it's something, know what I mean?