Monday, October 29, 2007

giggles and tears

I went to E's farewell party in Melville on Friday. She and her squeeze are headed off to Egypt on secondment. It was a fantastic thrash; I giggled the entire evening. Especially after Big T coerced me into having the forty ront mojito.

I didn't stop giggling the whole night. On the way to the party, 747 was making me laugh to the point I actually had to pull over on the side of the road, get the laughter out of system through a series of howls, take a few deep breaths, then continue.

After Martha Stewart's Pool Rain Party on Saturday, I made the big mistake of watching the saddest movie on the planet.

(Her party was at her folks place in the sticks, where one area contained 3 goats, a grumpy black pig, a rabbit that thinks its a goat, and a gobbling turkey, with the kind of face that makes you realise that our creator does have a sense of humour. I get all bunny-hugging around animals, especially after a few toots, so I thought it a good idea to climb into the pen and talk to the animals one on one. You know, like in a Horse Whisperer kind of way. The rabbit just ran around copying the goats, the turkey gobbled at me, and the pig nearly tried to charge me. It had horns, ok, horns, coming out of its face.)

Went home to 747 and watched Legends Of The Fall. I remember now why I have only watched this movie once, when I was 15 and never again, because it is so sad and traumatic. And perhaps I was a little tanked, but shit, I cried the whole way through it.

Fuck, is it a film etched in tragedy or what? First the dude dies horrifically up against a fence after breathing in mustard gas during the war, then his wife starts shagging the other brother who then goes off the rails; then the brother leaves her to battle his inner demons. Then she shacks up with the third brother, but is still in love with the demon brother until she can't take it anymore and blows her brains out. (Brad Pitt = hot brother with issues. He is still smoking hot and completely fuckable in this movie, bless the heydays of his youth).

Brad Pitt's wife gets shot and dies, he gets ravaged by a bear in front of his kids, and the father (Anthony Hopkins) has a stroke and can only communicate through writing on a chalk board in jerky movements.
Cried hey. Buckets. Who watches Legends Of The Fall on a Saturday night after a massive farm party? We do I guess.

Am thrilled to be awake this morning. On the brink of another beautifully long, overworked week. Thrilled.


Vimbai said...

Brad Pitt as Tristan fuelled all my adolescent fantasies (now that he's a Papi, it just doesnt seem right to perve over him)

My favourite scenes:
1)When he nearly gets caught snogging his soon to be sister-n-law by his older bro...those lips! 2)When he's crying bucketloads by his brothers grave - he should have won a freaking Oscar for that scene.

Saddest scene: When his brother dies, that scene traumatised sad!

PS And yes, you shouldn't watch this flick on a Saturday nite - who does that Peas?? :-)

Peas on Toast said...

Vimbai - I absolutely agree! Now that he's a dad and after leaving Jennifer A, he just isn't the same for me. But here, in his youthful, rugged, heyday, my GOD. He's hot.
And the scene by the grave, when he sees his dad after so long and when he's boofing his brother's Sheila - wow. Wow, wow, wow. And when the brother dies...shit it was just downhill tears from there!

A real corker for a Saturday night :)

not a fairy tale princess said...

I remember when I watched this movie in my youth. It was tragic, but I thought tragic stuff like that only happened in movies. I was obviously young and naive then. Now I know that real life is fucked up and tragic.

Peas on Toast said...

Fairytale - hello babe, I read your comment on the post below as well - it sounds like you've had you share of heartbreak recently? I'm sorry to hear, it's not easy at all. I've been there too, that I can promise. And yes, as tragic as the film is - truth can be stranger than fiction. What happened?

not a fairy tale princess said...

I'm still there peas, it's an ongoing saga - I have the most messed up life of anyone I know (you can read about it on my blog if you want, but try not to judge me).

KaB said...

Shit, that part in the beginning where he meets her, he rides up on the 'lucky' horse & nods at her while slightly dipping his hat...water comes off...he smiles...OMG...think it was my first orgasmic experience...I love Brad...wait...lovED!

Now, he's just not cool...still hot...but not cool!

Peas on Toast said...

fairytale - this isn't a place for judging dollface, so I wouldn't worry about that. :) Am sorry to hear about what's going on...I'm definitely going to peruse your blog.

Peas on Toast said...

Kab - absolutely, that hat dip thing with the rain.

Man. (sigh)

Revolving Credit said...

Peas, the horny pig whisperer...haha

Legends - the really cool part was when he went around cutting the ears off the dead soldiers, also when he cut out his brothers heart & stuck it in a tin to take home....I hope I'm remembering the right movie here??

Peas on Toast said...

Rev - the very same dude. The whole "if you take out the heart you set his spirit free" thing from One Stab, the dude who lived on the ranch....
Although I prefer to remember Brad in army gear.

Revolving Credit said...

What exactly do you do at a farm party??

Do you play 'pin the tail on the donkey' using a real donkey?

Peas on Toast said...

Nah Revvie. Nothing kinky dude. Just a party on a farm.

The pig wasn't very social though.

Anonymous said...

you up for some couch and toaster action this evening?

Peas on Toast said...

3rm - ha ha, in other words no action at all? ;) Absolutely, as long as we watch Grey's Anatomy in between.

I'll even make you tea. :)

Anonymous said...

superb. what time are you home?

Revolving Credit said...


Do you guys still not have a cigarette lighter?

Peas on Toast said...

3RM - I forgot to tell you that I am a slave these days, so probably after 6 - pop in then. :) Turns out Ant and I have swopped work shifts - she leaves work at 2:30pm on a Friday, I finish at 6:15pm. Not fair :(

See u later skater.

Peas on Toast said...

Rev - it's in times of trouble that we manage to lose every single lighting implement in the house.

At one stage we were using the heater elements too.

But I try and remain classy with a lighter these days. 3RM, bring your classiest flamethrower please.

Anonymous said...

Did you try counting how many times they made Brad Pitt ride over the horizon? Bet you lost count!

Peas on Toast said...

Dmitri - four! FOUR! 747 was just saying, "I really need to spruce up my entrances, look at this guy."

But then he'd need five thousand horses, a gun, and a dramatic background of thematic music, which would be tough to organise last minute and when entering a nightclub.

Dimitri said...

Get his hair right and he's half way there.

Peas on Toast said...

Dmitri - I actually prefer 747's hair. I think Brad's looks good on Brad and 747's looks good on 474s if you know what I mean. I'm not sure whether these two are interchangeable. At all. :)

SheBee said...

Am I the only person who has not seen this movie?!

PS: Dyslexic moment above! haha

Peas on Toast said...

SheBee - no way! OK, well if you're in the mood for an epic three hour drizz while you eat ice cream under a duvet on the couch - this one's really corker.

Champagne Heathen said...

Just give me Brad in Thelma & Louise... as that cowboy, without a shirt... and I will forever be satisfied!

Peas on Toast said...

Champers - my first brush with Brad Pitt was an erotic one. It was the day I forcibly started puberty.

11 years old, in A River Runs Through It.

Man, he was an absolute peach.