Pie and wine on a rainy night is all that and a bag of chips.
Also, having an ex-game ranger boyfriend definitely has its perks. (Besides the fact he is the only human I know that can actually pull off khaki), but last night Chester was teaching me lion mating calls.
Lion mating calls, leopard mating calls, monkey mating calls, yak mating calls, he knows them all.
It was steamy.
I'm just saying.
Hope you enjoyed that, neighbours. Tune in again next time.
PS: The lion one goes something like this: Heeeeumph. Heeeeumph. The emphasis is on the 'umph' at the end. Man it's saucy.
thank god I'm not your neighbour! lol. anyways, saw a bit about your book in the Fair Lady yesterday, coooooooooool, just wanted to say that :)
have a lovely day, and a shnuuubenpufen to you (mating call of the platypus - not really but whatever)
Chan - thanks darlink! Yeah Bless good old Fair Lady...:)
The mating call of the platypus! I like it! Am gonna see if Ches knows that one too :)
So, did he bite you behind the neck while he mounted you from behind?
PS. Were the dinner guests still there...kinda like going on a Craighall safari?
What about yak? How did yak go?
Rev - no we were pondering the wild mating calls on the couch with Moby playing on in the background you cheeky farker :)
But there was definitely a Craighall safari going on :) Yummy!
Po - nnyyyyyeeee-ack! ;)
I think you and Chester should start a music duo - you do the piano and backing vocals and he can do his mating calls. It'll be just like Roxette, only completely different!
So, you like the platypus?
Have you met its cousin, the Echidna?
They're kinky buggers where mating is where animal orgy meets congo line...se-ri-ous!
Go check it
Benny - he did some beat boxing last night too - amazing! I think you have an excellent suggestion there doll, I love it! :)
Rev - Echidna? Seriously? Wow Revvie, it looks like your animal knowledge is not far behind Chester's, impressive :)
And from whence does this knowledge hail?
Mini - I tried to mimic him, but I came off whinniying like a retarded buck. ;)
It all brings up a memory of a scene in Ace Ventura where he takes his lady friend into his room. All the animals outside are going nuts with mating calls. "In the jungle the mighty jungle, the Lion shags toniiiiight......"
So...like...Peas...did you learn these mating calls while you were boefing? That would be hilarious: doing animal mating calls while you're mating.
Whale - the question is, Esquire, did you rip your pants this morning?? ;)
Dude...those mating calls were so convincing even the Pope would have ripped his jeans with his bulge!
How about that? Turns out the guys who delivered my fridge also know lion mating calls.
Kyk - so, while they are loading the fridge into your apartment they were yapping 'Nyyyehumph' over and over again?
And you let them INSIDE??;)
Whale - So your 'peacock' mating call ripped your pants huh. Was that after a well greasy barito?
Ches - Whale's on a 'fitness' regime these days. But he DID have Dirty Bird the other day without inviting me!
He said something about 'I'm saving your relationship Peas.'
I was most annoyed. ;)
From cows and chicken to lions and monkeys... this gives us a WHOLE NEW meaning to BEASTIALITY!
Hahahaha :-)
Those drinks need to be done immediately :-)
Blondie - by the sounds of things, we need to go drinking PRONTISSIMO.
I'm away this weekend, but I'm gonna call you and schedule a day next week for us to go out and get shitefaced. Keen? xx
It's 30/01 14:21pm....where are you? what happened to today's post?
Hope you're okay!!!
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