I taught people how to do the Retarded Washing Machine last night.
In between mains and dessert. To Pump Up The Jam.
Haven’t done that in ten years.
Having a French man stay on my couch next week.
I hope he’s not a fucken axe murderer.
If he’s not, I’ve struck gold.
Just make sure he cuts his toe nails...
icepick - ok......does that differentiate axe-murderes from the rest of us? Do tell!
He cuts his toe-nails = Normal
He keeps the cuttings = Weird
He keeps YOUR cuttings = Call the police
We've been so spoilt with uber long posts :-(
Have a good weekend Peas, see you at the Wine Show ;-)
Monki - CLASSIC.
OK...I'll watch out for those long toenails then...interesting concept - never thought THIS would come out of my lame four-line post this morning :) ha ha
See you with glass in hand Monki!
Mini - oh man you're the BEST!
The only parts of that sogn I know are the chorus - obviously - now I can learn them off by heart!
Classic! :)
A French guy staying on your couch? Is that via CouchSurfing.com?
Looking forward to hearing how that goes...
James - well if I die, via axe, you know where to go first :(
How can I get a french guy to sleep on my couch?
www.couchsurfing.com :)
If a French guy slept on my couch my dog would be mightily pissed. He sneaks onto the couch every night when I go to bed. He thinks I don't know he's doing it but when a red dog the size of a pony sleeps on your couch he tends to leave hairy evidence. I guess "my" French guy would have to sleep on my bed - it would be the only polite thing to do hey? I don't mind sharing - I'm nice that way..
Depends how much wine I plan to drink I suppose :)
And after all the sweet nothings when we parlez-vous with each other, who knows.
Or I die.
One of two right?
No time lik the present peas..quite partial to the Irish myself...know any Gaelic charmers..?
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