Wednesday, February 08, 2012

almost there

In 24 hours I'll be boarding the flight home.

Besides the strain the family and I are taking from my aunt's passing, a holiday is needed for other reasosns too.

I've just finished a four page handover document. I'm pretty excited to get my ass home, pack my suitcase and get out of London for a few weeks. Our differential is -5 to 35, I'm told. A thirty degree difference. I'm going to be sweating before 9:00am.

The Brit joins me in a week, and I can't wait! to have him there too. Watching him try to braai boerewors and wear his sunnies all day long because his retinas aren't used to full sunlight, is really endearing.

He's not a complete troglodyte, but you get what I mean. I love it when he's in full 'Africa' mode, like a kid learning how to navigate the jungle.

He can even say 'Viljoenskroon' now. It's taken a while, but he now knows how to answer when South Africans ask him where Poen's wedding will be.

Peas: So babe you can't wear flip flops at Peon's farm.

Brit: Oh why? It's going to be like...40 degrees.

Peas" Yeah, I forgot to remind you. There's a snake epidemic on Poen's farm.

Brit: Babe.

Peas: Don't worry. it's not as bad as previous years. And they'll give you your own broom to bash around in front of you as you walk. To chase them away.

Brit: What.

Peas: You just have to be vigilant. No walking without bashing the broom around in front of you first. And bring your football socks.

Brit: You'd better be fucking joking.

I am of course. And have assured him it's fine, and the worst he might see is a cane rat running through the mielies, which yes, are the size of small Greyhounds, but whatever.

My mates are delivering him to me on the farm next Friday morning. He's precious cargo that needs protecting. I don't want him roaming around unsupervised around the Free State, he could be eaten, or worse, be forced to take refuge in a Dutch Reformed Church.

My mates are delivering him to me, while I attend the wedding rehearsal.

Quite excited stop working for 3 weeks. Dude. I'm broken, I've done enough long nights and juggling multiple projects. It's time to switch off sync on my phone and spend some time with the people I love the most.

PS: Phew! There's green tea in SA! (And ATM machines and highways!)

PPS: This actually did me break open the sad face and laugh:

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