Monday, April 08, 2013

rip maggie

A moment of silence please.

For one of the greatest women that ever lived.

Rest in peace, Maggie. I thought you were absolutely fabulous.

In other news - NEXT WEEK, I can finally say "Next week I fly to South Africa!"

I picked up my wedding dress over the weekend. The bad boy fits. I am delighted how it has all turned out after the alterations and other bits and bobs.

The wedding dress lady managed to fold the thing into a tiny on-board suitcase. Maybe she's just good at packing things into small packages (she is Thai, after all), but I have no idea how she did that. Or what it will look like on the other side. (A giant ball of tulle?)

The Brit and I are all jangly and nervous now. He's battering away at his speech, and I am trying to imagine what our tables will look like. I have an idea, but who really knows?

In the meantime, am gutted about Margaret. Say what you might, but she was a formidable force.

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